Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Papa with the groceries

It is just amazing the array of food that goes into the nest box to feed the four hungry little bluebird babies.  Mama and Papa were busy this morning with dragonflies, spiders, larva, flies and other unidentified items.  Some of the prey items seem a little big but I guess they know better than I what is appropriate for the kiddos.  I've never identified these juicy green larva but all the spring nesters seem to like them and they are plentiful this time of year.

Speaking of nests, I believe I found a robin's nest in a shrub by the garage.  It's a popular shrub and has hosted cardinals, robins and numerous catbird nests over the years.  And last year it also had a massive hornet nest which didn't seem to deter the birds even though it definitely deterred us.  

We've had a quiet day with no bear sightings (thankfully).  I took Jax for a morning walk on the Lane, keeping eyes out for anything large and black.  Jax is definitely a bit spooky right now too and several times later when we were on the deck, he growled at the woods behind the house.  

I had a nice phone chat with my niece this morning who is due to delivery Baby # 3 any day now - she's ready.  Followed by a call with bestie Peggy.  

I'm headed off to the doctor again this afternoon - still trying to get to the bottom of the continued weight loss.  This time the gastroenterologist
who will most likely schedule me for an endoscopy.  Really the only thing that hasn't been examined at this point is my stomach.  I won't get that done until I return from Texas.  

Still trying to decide whether to take Jax to Obedience tonight - we aren't really sure how contagious the conjunctivitis actually is although he is no longer symptomatic.  So, I guess we'll make a last minute decision.

Dark with dried cherries today.


I haven't commented on the horrible events in Texas this week, mainly because I am trying to understand how this can continue to happen.  I have many friends who own guns - they are hunters or simply enjoy the sport of shooting.  But they have all purchased their weapons lawfully and all keep them locked in gun safes.  And none of them have children at home, let alone teenagers who may have psychological issues.  The gun laws in the US are a patchwork that varies from state to state and range from virtually NO safeguards to states like mine that run a gamut of background checks. I have lost count of how many children in this country have been taken by gun violence, but I know that there are hundreds of parents who have lost precious, innocent children - and why???  And, I'm sorry, but politicians offering "thoughts and prayers" just doesn't cut it.  It doesn't bring back the children, does it?  And it doesn't stop this from happening again, and again, and again.  They only thing that will slow this madness down is sensible gun laws and, for God's sake, background checks and waiting periods.  I'm sick and tired of people whining that someone is going to take their guns away and rob them of their 2nd Amendment Rights - no one is going to frigging do that.  But what we are doing now isn't working - just ask the parents of 19 children who died for no damned reason this week.

Okay, I'm done.  I needed to get that off my chest.

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