My ‘Fire & Ice ‘ Hosta.....!!!!
Looking nice in the dappled evening sunshine ....
We’ve had a horrible day...chucking it down...even Mel wouldn’t put paw outside this morning...but about mid afternoon it cleared up and there’s been some pleasant sunshine since...
And if you can see the little light green plants through the Hosta.... ..I’m not sure what they are and have left them to see what they might do.....I threw a handful of mixed seeds into this tub way back before the Hosta had sprouted at all...
The birds didn’t eat them all so I’m wondering if this is some of them germinated....they would have been sunflower and pumpkin (neither of which they are)!! And possibly linseed and sesame seeds...!!??
I’ll try checking with a plant identity App....
But if anyone knows...!!???
We have been ‘car shopping’ and trying to decide whether to go electric....!!
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