Field of yellow
Most of the day was quite a bit better than expected, and we got out cycling starting from Mathers Mill, and going as fas as Corwin and back - 15 miles return. The river has gone down quite a bit from its weekend levels, and was looking much calmer. Our outward leg we saw very few other cyclists, though there were a few more on the way back. We passed a few horses, and I took a picture of them, but then I came across this field full of these bright yellow flowers, I believe they’re Butterweed, and I thought it made a lovely contrast with the verdant green of the trees, so chose that for my blip. After a late lunch, Roger went out gardening, and I went out to buy some plants for the patio containers, and some fruit. The garden center is located next to the Junior High School, so I timed my trip after the school let out, but I was hoping before the expected rain, and fortunately I was successful! I just hope it’s going to be dry enough tomorrow for me to get the plants planted.
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