An afternoon with Kay

This afternoon we met our friend Kay and went for a walk at Cramond. It was extremely windy and my fur got all ruffled. I was all happy and bouncy and was zooming around all over the place.

And then do you know what happened?.................... I met a girl who thought I was the prettiest little collie pup ever. And guess what she had just found?....................... a rather nice tennis ball. She very kindly said that I could have it. Yay!

Ann never really wants to touch my manky old balls she never wants to touch any of my balls, manky or not but Kay didn't mind. She played with me. However, it didn't take long for me to get tired and flop down because we were getting to the end of our walk and actually, running around in such windy weather had already made me tired.

After our walk we went to the 'Raeburn Hotel' so that the humans could have dinner. I had a big bowl of water. Ann had been working an 11am – 3pm shift before we went out so she hadn't had any lunch and was very hungry. They both had fish & chips and they both gave me a little bit of fish. Actually, that's a lie. Kay gave me quite a big bit of fish and Ann gave me the weeniest little bit ever!!! But I was a very good girl and for most of the time I just lay in good dog mode. However, lots of people thought I was very gorgeous and came and made a fuss of me so I made a lot of new best friends.

I've had a lovely afternoon. Thank you Kay. xx

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