Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Retro coffee table

A bargain. £30 in my local up upcycling project. A perfect fit in our quirky retro house in my view. TSM is not is not so sure ... I did a family survey (without the monkey) which came out 100% in my favour (excluding one fence sitter who did not seem to understand the binary concept that I built into my polling regime, namely thumbs up or thumbs down). But she has a veto so rather like the UN Security Council the majority view is immaterial.

I was firing on ally cylinders today. Gave my office wall two coats of paint. Made a superb lentil and aubergine chilli with home made nachos. Went through my work emails. Had a short meeting with my boss prior to returning to work tomorrow (I can still do my job even though largely deaf). Had bloods done at a local clinic (routine annual thing). Changed the sheets. Mega kitchen cleaning. Showed a locksmith around (we have flaws in our doors and our hinges are full of whinges).

Boris Johnson has been caught out AGAIN. What an arse. The man must go.

Very disappointed that upcycling is not in my computer's dictionary. wake up Apple!

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