Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Loch Faskally

A quiet morning. Pitlochry is closer to Edinburgh than Inverness, so I have time to walk around the park to get the week shot of the trees in Fairmilehead Park, which is a extra in this blip.

Train to Perth is fine, even manage to eat my lunch. Train from Perth to Pitlochry is busier. Thankfully the bike is in the bag, so it counts as luggage. 2 bikes aren't so there is a hassle getting them on, but it is ok today.

Checked in to the hotel and went to register for Sunday's bike ride. Sunny in Pitlochry. Mainly blue skies, but the clouds come in for a wee while while I go for a walk to Pitlochry Dam. Blip shows Loch Faskally taken from the dam.

Put the number on the handlebars as required. The right hand shifter stops working. Release the number, but the shifter still doesn't work. Luckily there are mechanics at the event village, and it is soon fixed.

I manage to get a table in Victoria's restaurant for the evening meal of pasta.

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