the Pyramid of Soil Layers

With the Pyramid of Soil Layers we go deeper than our contemporary horizon and we show the soil layers of the Netherlands, the literal foundation of our civilization. In a few meters depth from now to 150,000 years ago - the soil layers (horizons) to a depth of 20 meters, compressed to 5 meters. The artwork makes visible what lies beneath our feet; Geological, archaeological, cultural value and the beauty of a dynamically formed soil by sea, rivers, glaciers, wind, weather and people. The blue tip of this pyramid refers to the sky as well as the high floods of the past.
It is a deeper insight into the origin of the Netherlands, where every layer of soil has once been a horizon. Soil from the Netherlands (boulder clay, podzol, sand, gyttja, peat and clay) is also the actual material with which this pyramid was created.

artists are Kaneli and Smit

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