family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

A right little madam

Picked Erin up from the childminder today and she was in the craziest mood. Everyone was playing outside. Erin was wearing, baseball boots, shorts, tee and no tights and she had a bit of an accident. Apart from that the potty training is going well but she did look a but random :)

Her mood was so weird though, and to top it off the little bugger hit me in front of my childminder not once but twice, so that was our queue for an exit. She carried on being silly at home, kinda of hyper i put it down to being tired. I had to text the CM to she if she had anything today as it was so unlike her, really felt horrible asking but I was kinda hoping she would say yes at Least that would be the answer to this mood but no nothing!
Early bath (5.55) where she continued to let off steam, but in her eyes she looked like she could of actually gone to sleep in there. She was asleep within seconds after, phew!

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