
Just when we had stopped worrying about Covid (some of us) this popped up. Funny meme doing the rounds. There are some creative, talented people out there, always quick off the mark to find something funny in a situation.

Monday was wet and the weather awful (what a contrast to Sunday). I had a BP class at 9.30 and am really enjoying lifting weights - gradually increasing over time. Quick shower and change then popped into town to Boots for a few bits to take away. Home for breakfast/lunch and someone on the radio had been talking about porridge - ooh that sounds nice i though so made myself a bowl topped with strawberries and blueberries. Bit strange at 1.00 but it was tasty. Did a bit of paperwork for an hour then wandered round to T with some spare tomato plants. Too wet for a garden tour so we chatted over a cup of tea. She also has tickets for the Derby so we agreed to try and meet up (except she has members tickets - her sister used to work for the jockey club).

Home to see OH who had taken MIL to see old relative who had been ‘put’ into a care home?!? She has all her marbles and is more mobile that MIL so I wondered what happened there? He later realised that he has still got the cash that he’d taken out the cash point for her, so drove back round again when she berated him for not getting her Tesco points on her shopping. What was that idea about care home?!?

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