There was a feral cat crying far up in the abandoned property next door. Bean listened carefully. She lost interest eventually.
I have spent much of the day helping my friends R and N pack their kitchen into boxes. They are half moved from the farm now and are more or less camping in the house. Fortunately they already have access to the rental home they are moving into 25kms away. So they are able to take their time. That notwithstanding they are both exhausted and stressed.
N has MS so all of the physical side of packing is being done by R and a series of helpers. Another friend is showing up tomorrow. I may be back on Friday, and their daughters are coming for the weekend. I think they’ll be out by then…and we can all get on with the cleaning. It’s a bit of a military operation.
Back home later on I found two more tree holes to dig, and I began to barrow compost onto the bed in the tunnel house that I’ve been working on for the last week. It’s great to near the end of that particular job. Another couple of days should do it.
It’s been another day out of the box. I was in a t-shirt all afternoon. And there was no frost last night. It’s an extraordinary late autumn.
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