
By gillsabroad

T-Rex vs Dogs of Fo

Cancer already kills more people worldwide than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. Lung and stomach cancer are the two biggest cancer killers in Asia. High smoking rates as well as the "Westernization" of Asian diets, including rising consumption of alcohol and red meat are seen to be the main causes.

Aging populations, tobacco use and increasing rates of obesity are fueling the incidence of deadly tumors in Asian patients too poor to afford the most advanced treatments. Many Asian countries are poorly equipped to deal with the growing cancer epidemic, it is going to cost them a fortune in terms of health care expenditure.

In the belief that prevention is as important as access to treatment many Asian countries are now instigating campaigns to stop smoking, increase exercise and the consumption of fruit and vegetables, a drive to prevent obesity and reduce salt intake

Day 4 of the T Rex Planet Tour Cancer awareness Project

Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops... at all.
Emily Dickinson

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