Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Wet beech

It rained.  Quite hard.  And just at the time we were packing the garden rubbish into the car to take to the tip.  We got wet.

We used to have a brown bin for our garden waste, but when it came due for renewal in April we found that we would have to pay for the full year, and that any residual when we removed to Ireland was neither refundable nor transferable to the new residents.  So we stopped paying.  The result is, of course, that the mammoth weeding and mowing session over the weekend resulted in 3 large bags, and 2 large trugs of green waste.  

In other news, we finally have a modicum of progress on the conveyancing front.  After W applied a little pressure on our Estate Agents, they in turn extracted an agreement from our buyers that (provided all the searches and paperwork were in order) our suggested date for completion in the third week of June would be OK with them.  We can but hope!

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