French Conversation on Zoom.

I am at least beginning to have a bit more energy today.
It was good to have a very enjoyable 1hr 30min session hosted by my good friend Thierry Viennois this afternoon.
Always a varied discussion which ebbs and flows, changes direction from time to time, and includes a résumé of the “homework” set two weeks ago.
The little exercise on the screen wasn’t too difficult (as Thierry said himself) but it was interesting discussing the various implements we use when gardening and talking about various plants. This included the potager which Thierry’s dad had at their home in Grenoble where he grew all kinds of different vegetables.
We looked at a recipe for Swiss chard, which he grew.
“Les côtes de bettes à la voironnaise.”
You can find it on the internet if you want to know the ingredients and method! But you will have to translate it first!
There has been a really violent and bad storm lasting 3 hours in central and west France last night, with hailstones as big as golf balls, and 6,000 lightning strikes recorded
We watched the news article on French TV that Thierry accessed using a password.
Amazing what you can do by screen sharing on Zoom!
Well it’s time for tea and I’m just beginning to feel tired again.
Yesterday we had another “normal” day post our bouts of Covid and had 3 friends to lunch.
That was also very enjoyable.
Stephen made a lovely dinner, with a rhubarb crumble to follow, and a Tarte au Citron courtesy of our local supermarket.
Just now it is raining hard.
Thank goodness I got all the washing out by 9.00am and it was dried and brought indoors not long after lunch.
I’m behind with comments but I will catch up eventually.

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