Late lunch
After a very productive meeting with the staff at tomorrow's venue, much is sorted.
- my Mac talks nicely to the projector and sound system. (My work PC failed miserably. The clue is in the abbreviation.)
- my laser-pointer talks nicely to the Mac. (Yes, I'm an academic so I carry a laser-pointer)
- refreshments are stashed at the venue, apart from extra biscuits which my wife will bring tomorrow
- 'you are being videoed' signs are up
- flyers to go in our giveaways are present, and the giveaways are stashed just up the road from the venue
- and so on.
My only worries are that one of the presenters has some family issues, and that the website might need some coaxing tomorrow morning. So I will be at the venue by 10:30, on its wifi, ready to talk nicely (ahem) to the website and relevant people.
So my bag-a-tech and I are in the coffee-shop across the road - hence the photo.
I forgot to blip earlier about the journey here. I recall I was shattered from a late night and disturbed sleep, so the work I'd rescheduled to do during the journey didn't happen. Nor was I able to catch up on sleep. Instead, I reminisced musically. Here's Roger Waters performing Pigs - three different ones, from the somewhat under-rated Animals. You'll know it from the cover art: the inflatable pig flying over Battersea power station. This album always gets me viscerally: from the introduction warning that humans can do bad things, to the three main songs giving detail of these bad things, to the optimistic ending.
You know know that I care
What happens to you
And I know that you care
For me too
So I don't feel alone on the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe to bury my bone
And any fool knows a dog needs a home
A shelter from pigs on the wing.
So the good things the universe has done in my vicinity today include
- the venue staff being lovely
- impromptu socialisation, and vegan croissants, in this coffee shop
- the coffee shop playing Pink Floyd's Childhood's End earlier.
And the good things I've done today? Well, I hope the organisation of our event counts.
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