We gotta little world of our own
It wasn’t that warm when we got up this morning himself had to work for a little while so while he did that I made some rhubarb jam… if you could call it that. Bit strange. But it might be better in a day.
We headed up to the allotment .. happily coffee van was there so we were able to grab a cappuccino to sit and enjoy in the sun in between jobs.
The difference from the back garden, to the car park, to the plot was astonishing. I’d say there was at least a difference of 5 degrees.
The gal on the coffee van even said how cold she was… the plot, completely sheltered by a fort of trees was still, protected from the wind and being warmed through by the spring sunshine.
Jumpers off and on to our knees we got busy.
Si lifted four bags of weeds from yesterday - I planted Brussels, cabbage and cauliflower. Then weeded another path; that. Was another bag!
First artichoke is growing; strawberries are on their way; peas and beans have flowers .. potatoes are shooting through.
It’s amazing how everything looked so dead such a short time ago and now everything is
Crazy and alive! Oh and the cherry tree. For
Once we appear to have more than five cherries!
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