
Today's the day ......................... to improvise

There's just nothing like freshly-picked peas from the garden - quickly cooked with lashings of butter?

Will always grows them and I think it reminds him of his childhood on the farm, where they would have a huge row of them in a field.  He starts them off in the poly-tunnel, in a bit of drain-pipe.  That makes it very easy to slide them into a furrow in the garden without damaging the roots.  This year though, they were eaten by mice (he thinks) as soon as they appeared above the soil?!

Drastic measures were called for - so he sowed them again, but this time he suspended the drainpipe in mid-air.  And so far, so good.  But I wouldn't put it past the little blighters to do something James Bond-ish and somehow descend from the roof on little wires.

You know the sort of thing I mean ...................!

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