Out To Sea

TT was away to work again.  I was up early and doing a few chores before heading out to meet up with a friend.  I drove over to her house  and we went for a walk  local to her, but new to me.  It was a lovely morning and the walk afforded lovely views over East Lothian.  We went back to her house for a cuppa and cake.  Her eldest son was studying for his last exam which was in the afternoon. 
I stopped off for a few things for tea (though I didn’t know what I was making at that point) and picked up some sandwiches for lunch.   I popped down to Dunbar later in the afternoon, and had a walk along the cliffs and along the beach.  I even found a couple of wee cowries as I wandered on the beach. 
Tea was a new recipe from a Roasting Tin book –miso chicken and aubergines – and it went down very well.
Later  BB was gaming with friends, TT was Zooming with friends and I watched the last episode of Life After Life.
This is a view from the beach – it was very cloudy.  It was even more cloudy looking in the opposite directions (extra). The colourful flower beds brightened things up on a cloudy day.

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