Wild Cherry
Geordie is a happy boy and I’m over the moon. We had a terrific walk this morning in Hamilton Wood because once we had come out the end of the wood into the field I let Geordie off the lead. I knew it was a risk, but he had his calming supplement before we left home.
He had a fantastic time. Running in all directions, coming back for treats then running off again. He raised a hare so set off after it along the side of the field we were in, then into the next one which led back to the wood, where he turned around and ran back to me at full speed. I swear he had a smile on his face. He stopped and sat at my feet again for treats. There was no sign of anxiety, or stress, or freezing and staring at me with glassy eyes. The pills are definitely doing their job and reducing his adrenaline, so he can still think clearly. He was doing so well we walked around another couple of fields, then through a small plantation on Balcaskie Estate, before going back through the wood where I put him back on the lead before getting to the car.
I’m so chuffed that the tablets are working and he can enjoy himself again running free. I was walking around with a huge happy smile on my face, and laughing out loud at times. Good job no one saw me or I would get locked up.
The wild cherry I spotted in the wood, or at least I think that’s what it is.
I’ve put my kale and spinach seedlings outside today to start hardening off, and need to pot up the broccoli and peppers now.
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