Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Today turned very warm, so after I arrived home, a rest-stop on the patio for a few moments was a lovely pause. Then I took the camera, rested it on the top of the fence, and captured this view of the Bougainville just across the narrow alley-way that leads into the parkland behind the house. When I look at this lovely plant, I wonder if the neighbor whose yard this grows in, even knows the lovely view that is seen from the other side of their yard.

This has certainly been a long and wide day. The Dean of Instruction visited my classroom today to do an evaluation. That's always a little hair-raising. I think I "performed" well, but it always seems artificial to have someone in the room who is there to "watch."

After my two classes concluded, I had a short few minutes to transition to get to my committee meeting -- the Technology Committee. I was missing a special meeting of the English Discipline, but committee meetings are mandatory, and every faculty member is obligated to serve on two committees, so I skipped the English Discipline meeting even though it was going to be very important with discussion about how to end our current remedial classes -- two of them; each one is a semester in length, so two semesters of very basic instruction -- to replace the two of them with something that is only one semester in length.

Personally, I think that the politicians of America have been pushing the philosophy that everyone ought to have a college education. I don't think that is reality. I think the community college, often, is a place where students realize that they are not "student-material" because they do not pass most of their classes during the first semester they attend, and they realize they need to pursue something other than academics. Some realize that they are good with construction skills, others in the service sector: mail-carriers; others become real estate agents, home inspectors, and many other possibilities.

Anyway, the English discipline has been asked or could that be coerced into preparing something that does not require a student to spend 3 entire semesters -- taking English 60A, 60B, and English 50 -- preparing to quality for Freshman Composition. I'm still trying to decide if this is a good policy. I don't really think my opinion matters.

When Mr. Fun arrived home this evening, we barbecued a couple steaks, baked a couple potatoes, and enjoyed a delicious salad.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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