Scottish Pug Dog Club show at Ingliston
It was that horrid realisation last night that this show was actually "on" today. With the added complication that my sister met up with my mum earlier in the week and is showing as Covid Positive.
So, a far earlier trip through to pick up my mum, do test and wait - all came back clear - phew!
So, off to Ingliston Showground where I had it on good authority judging would start "after 12:30". We were seated for 12:20 - fine enough. But the planned start, didn't start. In fact, it didn't start till near on 2:30. It then concluded at 7:30pm!
The hall itself was rammed. Not with just pugs, but every hound under the sun (or that's what it felt like!) - imagine the Highland Hall at Ingliston filled with dogs and all their associated noise. It was quite loud!
Needless to say, once I had deposited those I had to and fed ourselves it was quite late.
My trip home was uneventful.
I did learn however today that after not using my "big" camera for a number of months - I'd forgotten any any and all quick tricks with it's config. So frustrating was it, that I put it away for the majority of the day, rather than play with settings.
Even my blip from today disappointed me - but in the throng of people taking photos with their iPhones I took a step to the side - and with that knocked one of the judges out the frame :-|
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