A Day In The Life

By Irish59


My name is Louise, I’m exhausted, and I’m blipping under the influence!! • Say hello to Mrs Hummer and her very long tongue :) Isn’t it exquisite? I think she likes the nectar we’re serving • We’ve had a full day of planting, some annuals, a few perennials and almost all of the veggies. We hope to finish up tomorrow if it isn’t too hot and we haven’t injured ourselves bringing “items” to the curb. Each year the city offers “ Spring Cleanup” for $25. There’s an additional $15 each for any computer items or televisions • We’ve decided to turn the spare bedroom into an office/puzzle/tbd space. Tomorrow we’ll be moving a box spring, mattress, and futon mattress out the back door, down the banking and to the curb. I hope we can do it :) • After a quick, very necessary, shower, I’m now sipping a g&t, getting my blip done, then Wordle. Next, a big salad for dinner • Hope y’all have had a great Saturday. Be well and keep joy in your heart :)

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