This morning Sarah and I were out early to meet the running club at Mabie Forest, but nobody else came along. So Sarah and Jess set out on a run, and I had a lovely sunny walk. I spotted this pretty butterfly, which I'm pretty sure is a Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary.

We spent the rest of the morning going to several different shops with a list  of wines to purchase for the Wedding. I'm aware that I haven't mentioned it before, but Sarah said that it's ok to do so...she and Chris will be getting married this summer :-) Anyway, I have never had a trolley full of wine before and we had to drive home carefully as it filled most of the boot of Sarah's wee car.

What remained of the afternoon after a late lunch was spent doing more gardening..weeding, transplanting, and sowing cornflowers. No slugs around tonight as the day has been mostly dry. We all  tried out D's birthday present - the scary looking Katana Boy 650. It made short work of some quite big limbs on a fallen tree.

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