Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Mad Max Bike

Enjoyed a leisurely stroll around Hebdon Bridge with Mrs R and since the comforts of a decent bed and freshly cooked food proved to be too much of a draw for Jonathan, he ended up staying an extra day with us so joined us for the jolly.

The market was (as all English Town markets are) a joy to wander around with an abundance of smells and fine crafts to consider spending some cash on.

Buskers entertained the masses and with the sun making an appearance, folk were just enjoying their time together.

The most amazing sight was this incredible motorbike that ended up being parked up in the centre of the town..... and I never got a chance to ask the owner but I reckon it must have been used in the "Mad Max" films.

Awesome piece of kit!!

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