A great day...

Friday is the day I have the grandchildren and I love it! Today being so warm and sunny Evie played outside. As you can see I put a cushion on the step and she spent ages there with her tub of books. After lunch it all became a bit much and she fell asleep! We bought Zach a Super Hero Squad t-shirt which arrived today and his face was a picture when he opened it! "It's awesome - I'm never going to take it off" he said. Bless him. He too decided it may be fun to rest on the step.

The guys from 'Teen Challenge' have arrived and what great guys they are. Transformed from crime and drug addiction etc by becoming Christians! They are staying with us for the weekend and their concert tonight was fantastic. It's 11.52pm so it's a late blip. I will catch up with comments tomorrow!

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