21 May 2022 - Sneezing
I have been sneezing a lot today. I'm not sure if it's the onset of a cold or allergies I seem to be developing as I mature...
Longer dog walk this morning and Aonghus did well. 2.6 miles took us just over an hour. We seem to be getting slower but this morning's route through the woods is a bit harder for him! But I feel it does him good to challenge him a bit!
I went to pick up the bike and it looks great. The guy has done a great job and hopefully it will do Dale well for now.
Catching up on a bit of work today. I guess that's what get for taking time out during the week. Time out for a cuppa and to sot ion the garden for a bit gave me this bee on the heather.
Contemplating cutting the grass... I'll let you know how I get on with that! ;)
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