A Sea of Bluebells

The stunning sunshine and warmth continues, and a breeze.  Calm and cloudy tonight.

A morning in the greenhouse, and then popped by friend Cathy Hallett, and also sister Laura before work.  Last late shift of the week, and a busy day.  Mostly meeting and boarding flights, a spell at oil and gas flights, and then Edinburgh got cancelled, which created organised chaos.  After sorting passengers on different flights, we got them on their way.  Might need a pint this night! 

After leaving Cathy's, I passed by this wonderful splashes of colour, hiding under the trees.  Various colours of bluebells and their vibrant green leaves, the striking red house and the blue skies.  It was a cheery sight to behold.  I did Blip it almost two years ago to the day, but this is a brighter and cheerier version.  I still need to think how to capture the beauty better.  Taken st Asta, Tingwall Valley.  

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