Before The Storm

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Here I go breaking the rules again. This is the sky on Thursday night, but on Thursday I posted a picture of Corrie and Shenée. 

But this is so pretty I couldn't not show you. Also, it's a "pre-storm" sky, I suppose. I woke up on Friday morning to flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder right over the house. 

The boys were sanguine. They are stoic, Scottish cats.

I was supposed to go into work for a special Birthday Breakfast I had organised for Corrie, but I texted her and she agreed that staying in bed was the better part of valour and that was that. 

So it was a day of meetings at home and rescuing a soggy ginger cat and his girlfriend from the elements. Both Dave and Dr. Girlfriend rocked up and sheltered in our nice warm living room for the worst of it. 

The storm had abated by early evening, which is just as well. Caro and Loulou were in Wellington for most of the day (Caro's sister is in town) so I had invited Manda and Tiger over to watch "Thor: Ragnarok", projected onto my wall. 

It is Tiger's own fault. He enjoyed "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" so much last week that he expressed an interest in OTHER Marvel films, which Manda and I POUNCED upon. 

And "Thor: Ragnarok" really IS heaps of fun. Tiger laughed all the way through at the cartoony action and Jeff Goldblum's wonderfully flirty performance. And then I casually mentioned that Tiger appeared in three small roles in the "Lord of the Rings" movies* which just happen to be Manda's favourite movies EVERRRRRR**.

So now they are best friends. They actually have heaps in common. They are going to take motorcycle lessons together and meet up to play guitar as well. 

"We are going to form a gang AND a band," as Manda put it.

Loulou and Caro turned up ten minutes before the end of the film and then Jasper leapt up in front of my projector so the film was interrupted by a giant cat. But no-one minded. 

"Ragnarok" is a good-natured, silly film, so it seemed like a good-natured silly way to end things as well.

And the storm was gone. I still have this picture of the sky though.


* He was an Uruk-Hai (but he couldn't tell you which one) and he was one of the Riders of Rohan (Loulou says she has freeze-framed it and you can just spot him) and he was a surly bar customer getting a drink in The Prancing Pony. He is especially fond of that last one as he actually received a paycheque with "Surly Bar Customer" listed as his occupation.

** Manda also has serious issues with her back and spent two years practically bed-ridden, during which time she watched the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy UMPTEEN times.

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