Victor Hugo…

… pictured through my two favourite trees.
My friend has registered her interest in training to be a tour guide so I arranged to meet up with her and give her an idea of what the course entails. We decided to meet in Candie Gardens but this morning there was light rain so we postponed until next week. I had been concerned that it was simply too far for me to walk to Candie, wander around there and maybe the nearby cemeteries then back home. My friend doesn’t drive other than a scooter so can’t offer a lift. So I decided today would be a dry run; continuing into town before walking home again. And it went well so we’re on for next week.
Since I have  free access to. Guernsey museums I showed my tour guide badge and went into the Lego exhibition. I’ve never really looked at Lego before and I’m totally amazed at at the creations. Maybe I should give it a go.
As I type this I feel like the gull in the train adverts. I went to 2 cemeteries then popped to an exhibition. The only thing I won’t be doing is having a gull’s night out!

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