Jasmine everywhere

There are walls of jasmine everywhere! Smells so nice, and orange trees with fruit, bright geraniums, roses - the city is abloom and green!
An interesting day today - I went to catch up with a lawyer I know today who introduced me to a 10 year old boy she looks after sometimes. He sits in her office, plays computer games, eats, and goes home to stay with a family friend. She asked if I could teach him English. He actually speaks really well, but I’m not sure about the other skills. I think he’s here as a refugee, his mum has gone back to her country and Dad is not around. He also stopped going to school two years ago. I’ll do what I can and try to include some maths. He’s very street smart and bright, and very stressed. I left weighted by this, but hopeful I can help a bit.
I walked to Mavili Square to meet a friend for dinner, then home to teach. I tried downloading Zoom on my new laptop - it took forever. Not the best night in class.

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