Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2699. Animal Crossing Theme!

I bought these tiny glass jars as they look like the little recipe jars that you see in my Animal Crossing game. I printed out the tiny recipe labels that are inside them and I’m going to get my step daughter to make a little handbag charm using one of her resin moulds for a friend of mine who is also a huge Animal Crossing fan!

A busy day today and an even busier evening as my friend phoned me to ask how to recover a lost document on her Mac. Unfortunately she had overwritten her document accidentally so we couldn’t recover it and she had to write it again…..she had selected the text to do a word count and instead of hitting Esc to deselect it she hit delete instead then saved it….very frustrating!

I’m turning comments off whilst we’re away as I’m not sure how much time I will have to read and respond on my journal but I will turn them back on when we’re home again!

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