I have six other images of this blackbird in the shrubs outside my window at work today and all are in sharper focus, but this is the only one I captured with a berry in its beak. The whole pluck-and-swallow motion is incredibly fast, hence the blur on the wings.
In fairness to my line manager, it appears she was at some expo yesterday and may very well have been on the London Underground at the time she said she was.
I was on my way into work, all psyched up to send my letter of resignation to her when my phone rang, it was the agent for the first job wanting to know if I'd reached a decision. So I truthfully told him that I was on my way to hand in my notice at work, had already handed my notice in to the letting agent and would be very happy to accept the post on offer. All of that is perfectly true, I just missed out the bit about being even happier still to accept a different offer, should it come to pass. He told me I had made his day, and it was still before 9am!
Line manager didn't even notice my urgent email for the first three hours, but when she did she was very lovely indeed, which was just what I needed because there's nothing like a bit of kindness to make me blub. And that just made me appear to be so very heartbroken that I had let her down and that it hadn't worked out the way we had all hoped.
I don't feel as though I have been dishonest with anyone because in fact, I haven't. It's all perfectly honest until a possible future moment when I may, perhaps, be seduced by another offer.
Letting agent has not even acknowledged the letter I delivered by hand yesterday evening, no doubt at all that she has devious ideas.
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