
This is going to come across as so sad . Haha. One of the biggest excitements of my day was cleaning my oven glass. I know I know , it's so boring. But I have literally never seen through the glass to my oven since living with Mr R. I have tried many oven cleaners. Well I saw a hack online about using shaving foam .... And holy crap on a cracker it was amazing. And you only leave it on for five minutes, and then wipe with kitchen roll and a cloth.  My oven shelves I left it on longer. Fellow blippers PandieB and Lizzie will back up my excitement. Haha. 

I took the Jedi to Tesco as I needed to collect some wine for my weekend away. ( That will be my excitement tomorrow morning). And I let him walk nearly all the way home. A fifteen minute walk for me takes Carson literally over a hour . He explores absolutely everything. He feels and strokes every kind of texture. The bonus was it was sunny and we had a lovely walk together. He sung nearly the whole way home. ( Extra photo)

The boys had a great time on their school trip, but Xander has been tempremental since he came home. All the big ones are tired. I bet when I'm away they sleep longer for Mr R. 

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