Burger Bastard
Over to my Dad's today. Spent quite a bit of time on the phone sorting out transport for his appointment at the hospital next week. It is now dealt with I am glad to say!
We watched Question Time. BoJo his usual tiresome, slippery, blustersome self, but probably the dullest QT for a while.
Grace picked me up today - I was still unsure whether or not I'd be working. I have heard nothing from my boss so I take it I'm not as I would have to start in two minutes' time if I was on shift.
We arrived home and I told Grace that the man who is going to be fixing up our bathroom called us out for casual racism re. Minstrel's name. Does anyone else see this? It really had not occurred to me - he is named after Minstrels chocolates and were he a tuxedo cat the name would not have been considered. If it does have racist overtones and anyone else has wondered about it, I said he would just be Mince, Minsty or one of the other names we also call him from time to time instead since the last thing I want is to give him a name that could cause offence.
Whereupon Grace decided we should rename him Burger Bastard to be on the safe side. It does have a ring to it, he seemed to like it and no-one could possibly construe that as something offensive...could they?
The photo was taken this morning of him peering round the bathroom door at me from his vantagepoint on the storage box as I made my breakfast. Hoping I'd be having something he could try to scrounge no doubt!
Grace accidentally printed out a lottery ticket at work. Rather than go through the cancellation process she bought it herself. And won £20! The Universe loves Grace!
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