
The minky came a visiting, for the first time in what seemed like ages. After her cheesy egg and raspberries (separate courses) we went up the garden, but then she wanted to go further.  Out the gate, along the pavement, down the steps, through the square. Grandad of course was delighted and filmed her walking along lines, jumping on drain covers, and all the other things that children do, just because they’re children. Like old folks.
Later, the bike was hauled from its resting place for the first time in three years. A new back tyre, I decided, as it looked as if it had cracked up in the interim, so it was a cycle up to Rodney Street where I got the most kevlar thing I could get. Back to garden listening to the football podcast, including coverage of Jake Daniels of Blackpool FC coming out as gay. Well done him - potentially a huge responsibility on a 17 year old’s shoulders, but for his generation of supporters it’s no big deal. Hopefully it’ll become unremarkable in the near future. 
Later, Let it be Morning, a Palestinian Israeli film which was an excellent understated piece - something of Limbo about it. We were sent a link as the original screening was beset by technical difficulties. Getting a link from the iPhone to an android TV is something that we need to master though. We need a grandchild to grow up quickly and show us.

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