Wide Wednesday . . . A Body Of Water

The Waimea Inlet is the body of water that dominates my landscape either seen from the waters edge or from higher up on the hill.  It is a section of Tasman Bay and is separated from the bay by Rabbit Island and Bell Island to the west and Monaco Peninsula and the reclaimed land of Nelson Airport to the east.  
After exercise class at the pool I went for coffee with two of the ladies and of course that involved talking and so the tide had receded by the time I got to Monaco.  It is very blue just the same.  Thanks Bob for keeping it wide on Wednesday's.  Andrew has also blipped it today from higher up https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2973464895921587787
I know this is a tidal lagoon and not a Bayou but I just love this song and Linda Ronstadt's voice. 

Blue Bayou         Joe Melson / Roy Orbison

. . . I'm going back someday
Come what may
To Blue Bayou
Where the folks are fun
And the world is mine
On Blue Bayou
Where those fishing boats
With their sails afloat
If I could only see
That familiar sunrise
Through sleepy eyes
How happy I'd be

Gonna see my baby again
Gonna be with some of my friends
Maybe I'll feel better again
On Blue Bayou . . .

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