Wasting Away
I'm a shadow of my former self...yeah, sure!
Took Logan for a run this morning instead of a walk, basically so that I could get my exercise done & his and then get on with with my morning, because I had plans.
Logan doesn't enjoy runnies, much prefers walkies, then he can meander along at his own (snail) speed, bathing in the river as the mood takes, not when he's being forced to trot along on his lead he can't. Fortunately for Logan I was very slow today, have a big toe that doesn't like bending - but that's another story.
Exercise completed I took myself shopping, now that spring has finally made an appearance I thought I would start my annual search for the perfect linen trousers. But clearly either linen trousers are not 'in' this year, or German retailers have decided to skip that part of the clothing cycle, I could only find cropped jeans in any colour you want to name or shorts. I do hate it when I have an idea in mind that can't be fulfilled, I tend to buy other stuff instead, just to satisfy the itch.
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