Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

A la recherche

du temps perdu

The mono Monday challenge is anything Winnie the Pooh related, what a genius challenge.

Personally I have always loved the Pooh-Meister, Tigger, Eeyore et al

because these characters and their characteristics remind us all of people we know

I am Jean but I identify as Tigger

I put this into mono in Snapspeed but I simply could not de-saturate this marvellous creature …. After all he is Tigger and he bounces, flounces etc

So this is for mono Monday but with the orange left in (and the daisies) and the grass

and check this out (this could be me at 7am most mornings as I hurl all my swim stuff into the giant Lidl bag that doubles as my guchy swimwear hold-all)

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