Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Today was mothersday.
So this morning I was the first one out of bed. Making breakfast for my mom.
I made croissants with ham and cheese. My dad had some as well.
A nice breakfast in bed for both of my parents.

My mom was really happy with her gifts.
My sister came by and my brother called.
Even my boyfriend called to wish my mother a beautiful day.
After that I talked to him for about 15 minutes (always great to hear his voice ^^).

Went to grandma for a short visited and biked to Beek.
It was the birthday of my boyfriend's mother. So went there to give her a gift for her birthday as well as a mothersday gift.
P. would bike my way and meet me half way, but that went wrong. We are such a fools. Missed each other and called a bit too late. So we discovered this way too late. I was already almost in Beek, while she was in Goirle.

The birthday was fun! You can see the party in the background.
It was a lovely day today, so we were outside all day.
Too bad I had to go to work and leave the party so soon.

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