Just the Withers......

By JaneW

93 and looking good ..

I’ve known Shel for almost 30 years …. I’ve not seen her for two and a half years though because for the 3rd time in her life she was seeing off cancer … that was just before lockdown and because Shel had gone through grueling aggressive chemo she decided to keep herself to herself and wait it out . I’m pleased to report that SHE IS STILL WITH US !! We chat regularly and I’m really unhelpful as I like to tell her about my ailments so she can’t keep making it about her …. I’m really good like that. ;-))

PS : she’s 63 as of yesterday x
PPS : main bugbear yesterday was not feeling exhausted still but the fact I took her to the river and her white trainers got a bit of mud on them … kindly I pointed out that she’s a dick for wearing new white trainers out with me xxxxxxxxxx

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