The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Muddy Marks

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Murphy was very happy on our walk today because he found a manky tennis ball in the mud and was happily carrying it in his mouth. We passed a family with a toddler who was VERY excited to see Murphy and and kept pointing over. Murphy, never one to miss the opportunity for attention, was right over for cuddles. The little boy patted Murphy, who returned the affection by nuzzling into his face which was very cute.

What was less cute was the big muddy mark left on the child’s face from the tennis ball that Murphy still had in his mouth!

Thankfully his parents thought it was funny. Also just after that, the little boy bent over, lay his head gently on Murphy’s back and said “woof” which really was and “Awww” moment!


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