Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Friday — On the Beach

We stepped onto the sand at about 4:00 and I was delighted that the wind was calm, the shore was not crowded, and the waves were itty-bitty. So we walked and walked and walked . . . oh yeah, and I turned on my stopwatch and took pictures.

My doctor told me I need to walk 30 minutes daily . . . I have osteoporosis . . . so when the pups got tired, Mr. Fun took them to sit and rest, and I continued walking. The pups, especially Chloe, we’re stunned. The “food lady” was walking away from them. When I turned around, reversed my direction, and talked back into their vicinity I could see a sigh of relief on their little furry faces. And I accomplished my goal, I walked more than 30 minutes.

So then we walked the pups back to the car, put them in their car beds, got them a drink, and drove to a shady parking space at Sea Shanty restaurant where Mr. Fun & I enjoyed a delicious inexpensive dinner with big ice cold glasses of water.

This has been a lovely Friday.
God bless you,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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