
I was working until 1pm at the cafe, where the Christian Aid Coffee morning was taking place. There was an excellent turnout - it seemed that people were really pleased to be able to socialise at events once more. There was a range of Fairtrade stalls and I was very happy to get some Kilombero rice before it ran out. 

From the cafe, I hotfooted it to the station to catch the 13.05 to Carlisle. It's my first proper visit since you-know-what, and I visited most of my favourite places - the cathedral, Tullie House Museum, and Bookends. This last is one of the most amazing bookshops in the world, 5 floors of books which overflow the shelves and are piled on all possible surfaces. The basement is a warren of corridors in which I would happily get lost for hours. This photo is from the travel section :-)

I finished my book ( "Piranesi" by Susanna Clarke) on the train back to Dumfries. After tea I went out for a walk -, the light was beautiful and there seemed to be thrushes singing everywhere I went.

Sarah, D and Jess are still in the Lakes. Sarah ran the first two stages with Pete (29 miles over Skiddaw, Blencathra etc and then the Helvellyn range to reach Dunmail Raise just after 7am) and he continued on with fresh pacers on Stage 3, over the Scafells to Wasdale. Sadly, Yewbarrow got the better of him this time at the beginning of Stage 4 and he pulled out of the attempt. I hope he isn't too disheartened. 

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