
3years 180days

1095 entries. I'm not sure where that came from really. Life is flying too quickly. Things that didnt feel long ago are suddenly years ago. This time three years ago, Katie and I had just woken up in our own home for the first time. Three years ago today, she began her weaning journey. Three years ago today Katie had her first swimming lesson. Three years ago we met a little lady and her mummy that are now some of our closest friends. Three years ago she wasn't even six months old. Three years ago, the majority of the photos I took were phone photos. My DSLR sat a bit unloved after serious loss of mojo. It feels a lifetime ago but not at all at the same time. Now, photography is my full time job once again. I've got the camera I dreamed of, the studio I barely dared dream of. Now, I have an incredible girl, who's funny, slightly loopy, beautiful, intelligent and amazing company. She makes my world worth something. She makes me feel worth something, and gave me reason to rediscover the other things that made me feel worth something. For that I will be eternally grateful to her. I am so thankful that it was Katie who came into my life. She's a joy to share every day with.

I went through every day of her blip journal yesterday to get the images for this creation. No photoshop involved in the canvas creation behind Katie. Its done oldschool with photos and glue. We had an amazing time yesterday doing the giant canvas background to it. Painting, splatting, mixing, squirting, sparkling, gluing, spreading. We then had a wonderful couple of hours sticking down the photos, all of which are favourites of our blips so far. It's bigger than Katie, by a long shot, and is going to take pride of place in our hall in a spot Katie and I chose this morning. The image of course features Katie, all three monkeys and whats a celebration without cake!

So thankyou blip, thankyou my very very special blip-turned-real-life friends. Here's to the next 3 years!

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