Laboscope app
I was expecting two black cats this morning when I woke up, but there was just Shadow swinging on the swing.
She came rushing in the study when I opened the door into the garden. And I thought I'll see if she will feed in the bungalow, just in case BBCat is hanging about, and then she can eat calmly without constantly looking around. And she did. I put her food in the front room, and she quite happily ate there, while I sorted out the outdoors cat food dishes. Then she darted out and began on the wet cat food under the swing. She ate her fill and left.
The parade of the Gingers was next.
Then Mr Magpie appeared, trying his luck. No sign of nervousness from him today, so obviously BBCat is not in the garden yet. His babies got several breakfasts of wet cat food this morning.
Shadow has returned for a few more bites...
Still no sign of BBCat. But yesterday...he was in my garden all day, and was watching me. I usually stop putting wet cat food out around 9 to 10am because of flies. Cat biscuits are available all day. Once it gets cooler, between 4 to 6pm wet cat food comes out again.
And every time, in the afternoon, that I came out of the bungalow BBCat ran/rushed towards me, but then stopped and ran back. The third time he did that, I am trying to work out what is wrong. There is no wet cat food out in the afternoon, so I concluded he may be really hungry, despite eating loads of sachets of cat food earlier. I came out with a bowl wet cat food, and he rushed towards me again and was eating out.of the plate before I put it down. Two more refills, and then he sauntered off elsewhere....
Anyway last night I was really tired, cleared up the cat diner and went to bed. But just as I put my head on the pillow, Shadow came rushing in the garden, absolutely frantic that she had missed supper. She literally came in running on her hind legs, both front legs and paws waving in the air, her eyes wide, her face frantic. It was like a comedy act. I hauled myself out of bed, and gave her supper....
Creative today is my lilac tree again as a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. I loved the heart shaped leaves of the lilac tree in this one.
Time for coffee...
Pollen count feels high today already...I need an antihistamine...
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