...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Reasons my son is crying.

Auntie Beth recently showed me a blog where a dad put a picture and caption for all the reasons his son cried. It was pretty hilarious...and relatable. Miles is the most amazing boy in the world, but he cries. A lot.

Reasons my son cries.
Food is not ready the second he sits at the table
Mom and dad take too long to eat their dinner
Daddy plays with his toys
Mommy suggests a new book (instead of the same book 10 times)
Hurley sits on mommy's lap
Dad comes into the room
Mommy leaves the room
He can't go to school in his PJ's
Its bath time
It's time to come out of the bath
The yellow bus turned in our way to school
We can't watch Barney
We don't let him have 2 forks with dinner
His yellow pants are dirty
His hands are dirty

Etc (this list could go on and on....)

Tonight, this face, was captured after dad sat on his big truck.

Miles stayed home today while mommy and daddy worked from home. He wasn't quite himself when he woke up and we thought he needed a day to recover. But by the end of the day he was his normal, happy self.

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