A touch of Pink...
....in the garden...Overall, the garden is a mess, but I have found that picking a few flowers for close-ups makes it seem much more attractive than it is! So, here's another close-up flower - an emergency blip this time - a blossom on my scraggly almond bush that is not exactly covered in pink this year, but I found a bloom or two to give the impression that it is! That poor old bush has survived everything nasty that could happen to it over the decades, including an Irish Setter that took a liking to munching on its tasty branches! Every spring, I think it is on its last legs and then it surprises me and throws out some colour - not as much as it did in its youth, but I will leave it in the garden as long as it keeps on trying...
An emergency blip was needed today as I was quite focused on things other than outings. Tomorrow is book club and I am hosting..so I had to go in search of treats and then try to think up some discussion points. The book is Rizzio - a very short book that tells the tale of the murder of Mary Queen of Scots' Italian secretary. A quick, interesting, and enjoyable read that brought history to life, but a bit of a challenge to come up with some questions to discuss ... It wasn't exactly a murder mystery as everyone knows who did it and how it ends...no surprises there.. but maybe one place to start would be discussing how the author manages to still make it exciting and suspenseful? Hmmm..obviously I am still working on this....
And then there was the challenge of getting my friend's birthday gift in the mail today when I had not even made her card yet! But I got that done..and then I was off to the optometrist to solve the mystery of why my new glasses after cataract surgery are not working...It seems the vision in my one eye has changed somewhat since getting the glasses and I now need a new prescription...I am hoping the new lens will correct the problem .. will find out next week!
So..it was a busy day and I owe my almond bush some TLC for saving the day..blip-wise.
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