

Crashing waves

The day started with me sleeping through the alarm clock's ringing. Aedan was almost late for his fourth day at Drinagh on work experience, but not quite. Home to do chores and pick up my 2 Italians who are heading off to Dublin on the bus. A quick grocery shop then a dash to the beach to breathe for 10 minutes.
Think the rocks on the left look like benign beasts. The rock formations are quite extraordinary.
Dashed to Drinagh to meet Aedan who needed a hair cut before the Awards Evening at school this evening. Browsed the charity shop while he was in the barber's. Dropped him back and went out to Travellersjoy's place to see Doriane who is over from France for the week.
Headed home to eat, wash-up and feed the animals and cook dinner. Then classes. Collected Aedan. Home. He ate and we dashed off again to the Award's Evening. I took Doriane back to TJ's. Then back to the Award's Ceremony. Lots of clapping and socialising later, I'm back home , animals locked in and I'm ready for bed.

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