
Lonely walk with arkle.

Football festival with u8s. Great fun and great progress.

Travelled west to out apiary. Went through all the hives. Just one queen to mark now. One hive with queen but no brood or eggs do added some eggs from another hive. Some actions required next visit.

Phone call about a swarm at my allitment apiary do headed to collect.

Reasonably easy one to catch and hive just had to scramble through brambles.

Call our to a swarm in a garden. Headed over a huge swarm on a difficult branch and family out in garden having barbecue so would come back after 8.

Home and food with family.

Back to get swarm in garden. Put the skep on top of the branch and swarm then over that put a duvet cover over and sealed the swarm and sawed through the branch and brought down.

Over to apiary and run into hive.


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