Another day, another woe

A nice start to the day and all seemed to be going smoothly until we got the dreaded phone call from the school. This is the sort of thing that is rarely good news.

"Your son," said the office lady, "says he has lots of blood in his pee. He wants to go home."

As I said, rarely good news. So we brought him home, managed to get an appointment at his doctor's, drove out to Montreal Road and then went for bloodwork and a urine analysis at a further medical centre... 

"It's probably nothing," had said his doctor. But then she went through a list of things it might possibly be, and none of them were good.

SPOILER: As this is a backblip, I won't keep you on tenterhooks. We got the results today (Monday) and it was a simple hematuria. Ottawacker Jr. has been doing 10-15 laps of the school playing field for charity every morning; apparently, the excess exercise can cause muscles to leach blood into the urine. So he is fine, and can go back to running as much as he wants.

When we finally arrived back at the house, the cat was in exactly the same place as when we had left. 

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