Wild Garlic

Is this wild garlic? We thought it was when we were out but looking at the photo, Ann's not really sure. Anyway today we had nothing to Blip so Ann said, 'Trixie, please can you sit in the wild garlic and look pretty.'

I always look pretty because I am a naturally pretty little collie pup so all I had to do for my Blip today was sit down for a couple of seconds. Easy peasy.

And in other news..................... We don't really have much other news. Ann's just this minute been asked if she can do an 'extra mission' as part of her 'Meet & Greet' job. She's not really done many 'Meet & Greets' since she started working at 'Wilkies' in November because a 12 hour a week job somehow morphed into 16-20 hours a week, before we went to Cornwall and most of her shifts seemed to be in the afternoon when most of the 'Meet & Greets' are. Anyway today's 'extra mission' was to go to a property at the other side of town, buy a new gas card and top up the meter. (If it had been at our side of town she would have done it.) However, it would probably take her about 3 hours to do that because the roadworks in Edinburgh at the moment are horrendous, especially in Leith where all the roads are being dug up to make way for the new tram tracks. Needless to say, she turned the job down. It's not exactly going to be financially beneficial if she's out for 3 hours and anyway, she's meeting her friend tonight to go to 'Montpeliers Gourmet Burger Club'. Two people, two burgers, two glasses of wine for £20. I'm hoping she won't be able to eat all of her burger so will bring some home for me, but she's hungry so I bet she feeds it all into her own tummy. Boooohoooo.

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